Coding and programming are an essential part of the web today. Anyone interested in internet marketing, data management, and overall web use requires an understanding of basic languages like html and javascript.

You may be wondering why on a blog geared to filmmakers, business execs, and entrepreneurs there would be a post about coding for the web. I believe that everyone today needs to take advantage of internet marketing, whether to promote a film, product, or service. On top of that, as a filmmaker/editor, learning javascript (as I just started this morning) is great for using After Effects expressions.

The problem I’ve always had with trying to learn about code is similar to an initial jiu jitsu class. Once you tread into the water, you start to realize how deep it is, and immediately wonder if it’s worth the struggle. Well, all that has changed for learning code.

While I was editing a video for Asbury Agile 2012, one of the speakers interviewed was from Codeacademy.

Codecademy is the easiest way to learn to code. It’s interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.

Actually, easy does not do the process justice.

It’s incredibly easy, and allows you to slowly gain confidence by executing what you learn right on the spot. I was extremely impressed with how effective their process was at teaching me how to code in less then an hour. Even better then that, it’s completely FREE!

Learning with Codecademy will put you on the path to building great websites, games, and apps.

Having the ability to better understand the web, how it works, and how it can make your life easier is essential to success in the information age. With no cost and a simple, intuitive & interactive process, Codeacademy gives anyone a chance to get a leg up on the competition in their spare time.

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